The weather, washing hands repeatedly, or certain skin conditions all cause dry skin, a common issue dealt with by applying lotions and moisturizers. Hemp seed oil, one such option for moisturization, provides the skin with ample hydration while providing other benefits to the skin as well.
Hemp seed oil provides great moisturization to skin. The omega-3 fatty acids in the hemp seed oil provide the moisturizing properties, a great benefit to dry skin. Of the many beneficial properties of hemp seed oil, moisturizing is the most widespread and fundamental benefit.
Hemp seed oil provides excellent moisture to skin and hair.
Not only does hemp seed oil moisturize skin and hair, it also strengthens hair. The omega-6 fatty acids present in hemp seed oil promote hair growth. The oil also softens hair without the adverse effect of leaving hair looking or feeling greasy.
Anti-aging & sun protection
Along with hydration, hemp seed oil also provides anti-aging properties and even some sun protection. The gamma linolenic acid (GLA) in hemp seed oil is the component that offers protection from the sun, around an SPF rating of 6. This rating deflects some UV rays while allowing vitamin D to be absorbed through the skin.
Hemp seed oil naturally protects the skin equivalent to SPF 7.
Beyond sun protection and moisturization, hemp seed oil is a great anti-aging oil. The omega-9 present in hemp seed oil keeps skin soft and even reduces wrinkles, making it a great, natural product to use to lessen the appearance of aging skin.
Offering more than hydration and anti-aging properties, hemp seed oil also provides the skin with anti-inflammatory properties. Due to the composition of fatty acids present, hemp seed oil is a superior option for skin inflammation as it imitates the skin’s natural lipids. This allows the hemp seed oil to help the skin retain moisture and reduce inflammation.
Hemp seed oil in liquid form. Hemp seed oil can be added to many products including lotion, sunblock and soap.
The gamma linolenic acid (GLA) present in hemp seed oil makes this a great option for skin products. Not only does GLA lessen inflammation, it also promotes new cell growth. This is beneficial for skin irritants like acne, or conditions such as psoriasis. Hemp seed oil allows the skin to become moisturized and remain moisturized.
Hemp seed oil is a great option when it comes to soothing skin. It is great for moisturizing, providing anti-aging properties, as well as offering anti-inflammatory properties. Natural and extremely beneficial, hemp seed oil is a great option when it comes to hydrating and caring for skin.