Phone :
IND HEMP Main Office:
1210 22nd St, Ft. Benton, MT 59442
IH Fiber Processing Facility:
1500 27th Street Fort Benton, MT 59442
IH Oilseed Processing Facility:
1288 MT. Hwy 80 Fort Benton, MT 59442
IND HEMP Belgrade Office:
22 Astor Ave. Belgrade, MT 59714


It all begins
with the seed.

IND HEMP produces high-quality food ingredients from U.S. grown hemp seed. We do this in our state-of-the-art hemp grain and hemp foods processing operation at Fort Benton, MT.


Our team is committed to providing a scalable, consistent supply of highly nutritious, food-safe products with appealing flavor profiles. IND HEMP has master agronomists on staff who work closely with our hemp producers to ensure each crop is using the proper soil nutrients and agronomy practices to ensure the best harvested grain possible, and our operations and QA/QC team and standards guarantee consistent, safe quality of every product we make.

We convert hemp seed through 3 processes:

Step 1: Cold-press Expelling Seed Oil

Step 2: Dehulling for Hemp Hearts

Step 3: Milling into Protein Powders

Hemp seeds are naturally:

  • Gluten-free
  • Grain-free
  • Allergen-free
  • Vegan
  • THC & CBD-free

Hemp Hearts

Raw, Shelled Hemp Seed

The hemp heart is the inner kernel of the hemp seed once the outer shell (or hull) has been removed. This process is referred to as de-hulling, a mechanical process of cracking open the shell, separating and cleaning the inner hearts from the shells.


Hemp hearts are widely accepted as the most popular form of eating hemp foods. The heart is soft, with a light nutty flavor that is enjoyable and comparable to many flavors. Hemp hearts contain the perfect ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 fatty acids and are a complete protein source containing all 21 amino acids.

– Ready-to-eat topping
– Nutrient-dense ingredient for value-added food products, such as energy bars, cookies, granola, milks, dairy alternatives, etc.

– Culinary / Human Food-grade
– Natural & Organic
– Dairy Alternative

– Hemp has all 21 amino acids and is one of the healthiest foods we can eat. It is also good for the planet and our rural communities, providing famers a new option in their crop rotation that is good for their soil and their business.

Hemp Plus 50

50% Protein Milled Hemp Powder

Hemp protein is a high quality, easily digested plant-based protein that can be integrated into a variety of diets. It contains all 21 amino amino acids, including the 9 essential amino acids that our bodies can’t produce and can only be obtained from food. Hemp is comparable to the high-quality protein found in egg whites or soy, and is ideal to stimulate muscle growth and recovery.


Hemp Plus50 is a fine powder that contains up to 50% protein, delivering a finished product that is ideal for customers specifically looking for a high quality, plant-based protein ingredient for a variety of food products and formulations.

– Smoothie Ingredient
– High-protein, gluten-free additive / partial replacement or addition to regular flour in baked goods, bars or plants-based meat products

– Superfood Ingredient
– Culinary / Human Food-grade
– Natural & Organic
– Bakery
– Supplements

– The world needs protein to feed our people. Hemp protein contains more protein by weight than chicken or beef, while growing the plant sequesters CO2 from the atmosphere.


Hemp Plus 30

30% Protein Milled Hemp Powder

Hemp Plus 30 is a medium-fine powder that contains up to 35% protein. Like Plus 50, it has all 21 amino amino acids—but also has more available fiber that is ideal for customers looking for a natural, plant-based fiber and protein product in one ingredient.

– Fiber-rich protein ingredient for inclusion in value-added food products
– Animal feed ingredient
– Ingredient for skincare formulations

– Culinary / Human Food-grade
– Pet & Livestock
– Natural & Organic
– Supplements
– Skin & Bodycare

– The world needs protein to feed our people. Hemp protein contains more protein by weight than chicken or beef, while growing the plant sequesters CO2 from the atmosphere.

Ultra Pure

Hemp Seed Oil

IND HEMP produces the best American-grown hemp seed oil available. Our Ultra-Pure Hemp Seed Oil is produced with a cold press followed by a multi-step filtration process—down to one micron—creating a tasty, nutty-flavored oil that’s free of any sediment.


Hemp seed oil is rich in both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids: specifically Omega 6 and Omega 3 observed at a desirable 3.5:1 ratio. Hemp seed oil is also known to be high in antioxidants, including Vitamin E, that are important to a healthy diet. Hemp seed oil can also be applied topically to promote healthy skin and can be formulated into a variety of lotions and natural soap products.

– Nutritional oil for human & pet use
– Culinary low smoke-point oil
– Carrier oil for CBD and cannabinoid products
– Nourishing base oil for skin and body care formulations

– Culinary / Human Food-grade
– Pet & Livestock
– Natural & Organic
– Supplements
– Skin & Bodycare
– Industrial

– Hemp seed oil contains the perfect balance of Omega 6:3 fatty acids, out performing fish oils and other seed oils. Hemp seed oil is produced by farmers using sustainable agricultural practices and growing a crop that is good for the soil, rather than exploiting the oceans and fisheries to harvest Omegas.


THE GLOBAL STANDARD FOR QUALITY. IND HEMP Oilseed products are proudly made in our SQF Certified Facility. The Safe Quality Food (SQF) Program is a Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) benchmarked food safety standard based on Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP).

Official goodness:

The cultivation, harvest and sales of all IND HEMP agricultural hemp products follows the USDA-approved program implemented by the Montana Department of Agriculture.

The hemp grown by our farming partners does not contain THC, CBD, pesticides, heavy metals, or dangerous pathogens, micros or chemicals—achieving both Organic certification and Non-GMO verification requirements. Every lot is tested multiple times prior to and following processing.


We would love to hear from you! Just call, email or use the button here to connect with us. Our mission is to connect our farmers with the hemp businesses of tomorrow. Let us provide the supply chain consistencies your business or product needs to scale and be successful.


Growers: to discuss what hemp production on your Montana, Idaho, Washington, or Oregon farm can do for you, visit here.


Want to be part of IND HEMP?  Check our career opportunities here!

©2025 IND HEMP, LLC.

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    Which product(s) are you interested in?

    Ultra-Pure Hemp Seed OilHemp HeartsHemp Plus 50 Protein PowderHemp Plus 30 Protein PowderHemp HullsHemp Seed MealScreeningsHemp Bast FiberHemp Hurd FiberMilled Hurd Powders